Goal 1: No poverty

  1. Community volunteering “AUEB Volunteers”: in partnership with the NGOs Steps, Fabric Republic and Fenareti, AUEB participated in volunteering activities that supported the homeless, new mothers in need and people in general that cannot afford food and clothing.
  2. Scholarships: we provided tuition fee scholarships to poor students of our bachelor and masters programs, through funds that are either provided by the University of managed by us.
  3. Events: we organized a Christmas Bazaar, a theatre play for “SOS Children Village” and provided monetary donations to poor children through Kivotos and SOS villages.
  4. Media awareness: through AUEB’s newspaper “OPAnews” as well as several press releases we raised awareness on the topic of poverty through interviews, scientific articles written by our faculty members as well as communicated our volunteering, events and scholarships program to our stakeholders.





Τελευταία ενημέρωση: 02-12-2020