News Archive

01-04-2021 id:: 2878

Executive ΜΒΑ students compete in the global Business Strategy Game and excel

31-03-2021 id:: 2875

A students team from the Department of Accounting and Finance excelled in the Hult Prize Competition in Doha, Qatar

09-03-2021 id:: 2844

Webinar: "Stochastic Models in earthquake studies", Πέμπτη 18 Μαρτίου, 10:00

26-02-2021 id:: 2826

Academic Calendar 2020-2021, 3rd Revision

24-02-2021 id:: 2819

Reaccreditation of MBA International and Executive MBA by the Association of MBAs (ΑΜΒΑ)

11-02-2021 id:: 2795

Professor Diomidis Spinellis elected Chairman of the Magazine Operations Committee of the IEEE Computer Society

10-02-2021 id:: 2794

Webinar: "Folklore", Stelios Michalopoulos, Brown University, 10/02/2021 - 17:00

02-02-2021 id:: 2772

Research in 6G Wireless Communication Systems in the Department of Informatics - AUEB

28-01-2021 id:: 2758

STEcon Research Group of the Department of Informatics of AUEB received two new European projects

27-01-2021 id:: 2755
Professor Phoebe Koundouri was elected fellow of the World Academy of Art and Science
27-01-2021 id:: 2749

Laboratory of Human Resource Management: Research in "Pandemic and Digital Adaptation in Human Resource Management: Teleworking and Distance Learning"

26-01-2021 id:: 2746

The Department of Business Administration co-organized the virtual workshop “Enhancing Public Financial Management and Reporting to Meet the Needs of Managers and Stakeholders”, 20-21/01/2021

26-01-2021 id:: 2744

Webinar: "Testing the Adequacy of the Fixed Effects Estimator in the Presence of Cross-section Dependence", George Kapetanios, King's College London, 27 January 2021, 16:00

13-01-2021 id:: 2723

Two undergraduate students of Athens University of Economics and Business awarded with first place at Piraeus Climathon 2020 competition

29-12-2020 id:: 2711

AUEB's first dual degree program agreement with the University of Pavia (Italy)

28-12-2020 id:: 2709

Professor Nancy Pouloudi receives «2020 AIS Technology Challenge Award»

16-12-2020 id:: 2667

AUEB graduate, Lefteris Arapakis, was named by ​the U​nited Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) ​ as a “Young Champion of the Earth“

10-12-2020 id:: 2657

ReSEES AUEB, co-organises Piraeus Climathon 2020, December 11 & 12, 2020

08-12-2020 id:: 2652

AUEB’s MMlab has a new project in association with the University of Memphis, as part of EU’s Next Generation Internet initiative

08-12-2020 id:: 2651

Mr Manolis Kritikos, Associate Professor of AUEB’s Department of Management Science and Technology was elected General Secretary of the Mathematical Society of South-Eastern Europe (MASSEE)

07-12-2020 id:: 2647

Webinar: "FAQ: How do I extract the output gap?" by Fabio Canova, BI Norwegian Business School, 9/12/2020, 16:00

02-12-2020 id:: 2632

Research Webinar, “Deploying a Data-Driven COVID-19 Screening Policy at the Greek Border", by Kimon Drakopoulos, USC Marshall School of Business

02-12-2020 id:: 2636

Students of the MBA full-time, AUEB, won in the Warsaw Negotiation Round 2020

24-11-2020 id:: 2606

Dr Vasiliki Brinia, Head of the Teacher Education Program AUEB, won the Outstanding Reviewer Award of Emerald Literati Awards for Excellence 2020

23-11-2020 id:: 2603

Athens University of Economics and Business participates in the ERC Synergy Grant

11-11-2020 id:: 2586

Students of the Department of Management Science and Technology, AUEB, won the HR Case Competition, Purdue University

11-11-2020 id:: 2584

University of Cyprus – Athens University of Economics and Business webinar in Economic Research

29-10-2020 id:: 2567

Achieving gender equality in higher education: The TARGETED-MPI Project

14-10-2020 id:: 2542

AUEB participates in research project on encouraging energy efficient behaviors using Behavioral Science

05-10-2020 id:: 2525

Professor Phoebe Koundouri participated in the The 4th Sustainability Summit for South-East Europe and the Mediterranean in terms of The Economist Events

10-09-2020 id:: 2486

ΜΒΑ AUEB students compete in the global Business Strategy Game and excel

08-09-2020 id:: 2482

Best paper award to Professor G. Baltas, Dr. V. Kontopoulou and Professor F. Kokkinaki of the Department of Marketing and Communication, AUEB

22-07-2020 id:: 2441

PhD candidate at the Department of Statistics, AUEB, was distinguished in the EUvsVirus Hackathon challenge

07-07-2020 id:: 2401

Professor Phoebe Koundouri participates to UN SDSN Senior Working Group on European Green Deal and Lancet Commission on COVID-19

02-07-2020 id:: 2394

European Awards to students of DMST AUEB in the Student Entrepreneurship Competition “JA Europe Enterprise Challenge 2020”

23-06-2020 id:: 2376

17th e-Summer School in Risk Finance and Stochastics, Web, 30 June – 3 July 2020

22-06-2020 id:: 2361

A team from AUEB's Department of Informatics was ranked at 1st position in the ImageCLEFmed Caption 2020

09-06-2020 id:: 2336

Students from AUEB’s Department of Management Science and Technology were awarded the 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize at the Virtual & Live Student Competition JA Start 2020

24-02-2020 id:: 2170

AUEB, in collaboration with EIT Climate-KIC Hub Greece, the ATHENA Research Center and the UN SDSN Greece, jointly organize the National Summit on the European Green Deal (March 6th & 9th, 2020)

21-02-2020 id:: 2166

2nd panhellenic student negotiations competition Athens Negotiations Tournament (ΑΝΤ) (2020, April 11-12)

07-02-2020 id:: 2146

Award to an innovative software for mobile devices designed the research groups ELTRUN (Department of Management Science and Technology) and  STEcon (Department of Informatics)

23-10-2019 id:: 1951

Team from AUEB's Department of Informatics wins BioASQ prize 

26-09-2019 id:: 1901

Certificate of Achievement Award to George Alogoskoufis, Professor of Economics, at AUEB’s Department of Economics

13-09-2019 id:: 1870

AUEB’s Department of Informatics co-organizes the 1st Athens Natural Language Processing Summer School (September 18-25, 2019)

12-09-2019 id:: 1868

Distinction at “Youth Innovation Competition on Global Governance” to undergraduate student of AUEB’s Department of Management Science and Technology

11-09-2019 id:: 1861

Best International Symposium Award 2019 to AUEB's Associate Professor Eleni Apospori

10-09-2019 id:: 1849

International “Student Research Competition” award to undergraduate student of AUEB’s Department of Management Science and Technology

05-09-2019 id:: 1847

16th Summer School on Risk Finance and Stochastics - RFS 2019 (September 9-13, 2019)

05-09-2019 id:: 1846

Outstanding Reviewer Award to AUEB’s Professor Sandra Cohen

22-07-2019 id:: 1805

AUEB’s Professor Phoebe Koundouri was elected President of the European Association of Environmental and Reosurce Economists (EAERE)

01-07-2019 id:: 1775

AUEB’s Department of Economics supports the organization of the 18th Conference on Research on Economic Theory and Econometrics (July 12th- 16th, 2019) 

28-06-2019 id:: 1774

Econometrics workshop by AUEB’s Department of Economics with distinguished guest Prof. Peter C. B. Phillips of Yale University on July 3rd, 2019

06-06-2019 id:: 1750

12th Ferran Armengol i Tubau Prize to Dimitris Karlis, professor at AUEB’s Department of Statistics

04-06-2019 id:: 1744

Open seminar on "Healthy Diet and Food Disorders" by Program "AUEB Volunteers" on June 6th, 2019

04-06-2019 id:: 1743

ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award at the international conference MSR 2019 by members of AUEB’s Department of Management Science and Technology

29-05-2019 id:: 1729

Best workshop paper award at the IEEE ECOFEC 2019 by members of Teaching and Research Staff of AUEB’s Department of Informatics  

27-05-2019 id:: 1722

Professor Lars Peter Hansen will be awarded an Honorary Doctorate by the Department of Economics of the Athens University of Economics and Business on May 28th, 2019

03-04-2019 id:: 1532

1st Panhellenic Negotiations Competition (Athens Negotiations Tournament) (April, 13th- 14th, 2019)

24-01-2019 id:: 1489

Certificate of Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing by the ELSEVIER science publishing Company and certificates for his contribution as a reviewer to Associate Professor Manolis Kritikos

12-12-2018 id:: 1416

An article by members of the Mobile Multimedia Laboratory (MMlab) at AUEB is among the 21 articles from Greece published during the 2011-2018 period with more than 400 citations

21-11-2018 id:: 1359

Team from AUEB's Department of Informatics wins BioASQ prize

17-10-2018 id:: 1266

27th Annual Conference of the International Association of Maritime Economists (IAME) (June 25th - 28th, 2019)

17-09-2018 id:: 1178

Ioannis Nikolaou, Associate Professor in the Department of Management science and Technology, was appointed Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Selection & Assessment

16-09-2018 id:: 1339

The AUEB Sports Analytics group organizes the 3rd Sports Analytics Workshop (SAW 2018) (November 26th – 27th, 2018)


28-08-2018 id:: 1143

AUEB is co-organizing the 45th Annual Conference of the European Association for Research in Industrial Economics - EARIE 2018 (August 31- September 2, 2018)

10-07-2018 id:: 1095

AUEB’s Department of Economics supports the organization of the 17th Conference on Research on Economic Theory and Econometrics from July 13 through July 17, 2018 at Tinos

22-06-2018 id:: 1061

Mrs Christina Papagianni, postgraduate student of AUEB’s MSc in International Shipping, Finance and Management received the first group award at the 24th Economia Student Contest

09-05-2018 id:: 943

Mr Manolis Kritikos, Assistant Professor of AUEB’s Department of Management Science and Technology was unanimously re-elected General Secretary of the Mathematical Society of South-Eastern Europe (MASSEE)

03-11-2017 id:: 504

Αποτελέσματα εκλογής ανάδειξης Κοσμήτορα της Σχολής Διοίκησης Επιχειρήσεων του Οικονομικού Πανεπιστημίου Αθηνών, η οποία διεξήχθη την Πέμπτη 2 Νοεμβρίου 2017.
