On-line access to Proquest Periodicals Archive Online (Collections 1-10)

We inform you that the Hellenic Academic Libraries Association (HEAL-Link) has  secured access to perpetual rights for all its members in the Periodicals Archive Online archive collection (Collections 1-10).

Periodicals Archive Online is a digital landmark that offers an excellent interdisciplinary collection covering two centuries in the arts, humanities and social sciences, which is equivalent to 15 million digitized pages. With this tool, users can have direct access to a wealth of research material covering multiple disciplines and types of publications, with a broad selection of published research from 1802 to the 21st century. Periodicals Archive Online is a source of global coverage as its contents are in over 20 languages ​​making it one of the most important archives available today.

In the near future, the journal titles included in the PAO collection will be incorporated into the list of journals available through the HEAL-Link portal and will be accessible through the alphabetical and thematic catalog of HEAL-Link web site.