Interlibrary Loan (ILL)

The mission of the interlibrary loan department in AUEB library is to provide service to AUEB users as well as to the members of other libraries with:

  • Ordering from third-party libraries in Greece, copies of scientific articles from journals which are not included in either the printed or electronic collections of the library (Hermes System via the National Documentation Center).
  • Shipment of copies of scientific articles from journals in the library's printed and electronic collections to third-party libraries (Hermes System via the National Documentation Center).
  • Finding, ordering, and lending to the library's members of printed books which are not included in the library's collections, from academic libraries in Greece which participate in the IRIS System (Interlibrary Loan System of Greek Academic Libraries).
  • Interlibrary loans of printed material which is in the library's collections to academic libraries that participate in the IRIS System (Interlibrary Loan System of Greek Academic Libraries). Members of third party libraries may borrow up to three (3) book items from AUEB library collections for seven (7) days.

Please contact the library for further information or learn more about the automated interlibrary loan system here.


Regulations and charges for Interlibrary Loan Service

  • The ordering of books is mostly for the requirements of the research and teaching activities of the users
  • The right to order an article or a book which is not in the library's collection is for registered members of the AUEB Library. The order is done through the Interlibrary Loan desk.
  • The order requests for the interlibrary loaning of books for the members of the AEUB Library are sent and are handled by the automated ILL system only, to the libraries in Greece which are affiliated with the ILL system. The user is charged a fee for the service.
  • An invoice for fee for the interlibrary loan service for scientific articles is defined by the National Documentation Center.
  • Material which is lent to the members of the AUEB Library from another library is subject to the terms and conditions as defined by the lending library.
  • The members of other academic libraries can borrow up to three research books from the AUEB Library for seven days, or up to three books from the "Reserved Books" collection for three days, without the possibility of renewal and for no more than three books in total.
  • Users who are not registered members of the AUEB Library cannot order books through the Interlibrary Loan desk in AUEB. They must consult the library where they are members.
  • If a member wishes to order a book from a specific edition, this must be written on the application. Otherwise, the most recent edition will be ordered.
  • Books cannot be ordered from July 15 to August 25.
  • In the event that a user does not receive a book that has been ordered in the time frame that has been defined by the lending library, the book will be returned to that library.


Pricing for ordering articles

01- 20 pages: 2 Euro
21 - 50 pages: 3 Euro
51 - 100 pages: 5 Euro
101 - 150 pages: 8 Euro
151- 200 pages: 10 Euro
200 pages and more: 15 Euro

Shipment by post or e-mail

Contact details
Mrs Malamatenia Sava
tel.: 210 8203259


Pricing for ordering books

Ordering a book from libraries in Greece
Maximum: 25 Euro
Shipment cost is covered depending on the geographical area and the weight of the book

Fine for late return of a book to AUEB Library
0,30 Euro / day

Fine for late return of a book to a partner library
Depending on the library

Contact details
Mrs Maria Sareli
tel.: 210 8203265