Vasdekis Vasilios

Department of Statistics
Office Address: 2, Troias, Kimolou & Spetson Str., 4th Floor, Office 408
Phone: +30 210 - 8203 529
Vassilis G.S. Vasdekis
- D.Phil in Statistics, University of Oxford, Department of Statistics (1989-1993).
- M.Sc in Applied Statistics, University of Oxford, St. Peter’s College (1988-1989).
- B.Sc in Mathematics, University of Athens, Department of Mathematics (1983-1988).
Academic Experience
- Athens University of Economics and Business, Department of Statistics: Professor of Statistics (2016-present), Associate Professor (2009-2016), Assistant Professor (2003-2009), Lecturer (1999-2003).
- University of Crete, Department of Psychology: Assistant Professor in Statistics (1994-1998).
- University of Oxford: Tutor in Statistics, Queen’s College and University College.
- Vicerector of Academic Affairs and Personnel, AUEB (2020-2024).
- Head of Statistics Department, AUEB (2016-2020).
- Director of Postgraduate Studies, Department of Statistics, AUEB (2013-2016).
Research Interests
Modeling and inference of longitudinal categorical and continuous data using latent variables, pseudo likelihood inference, analysis of clinical trials data.
- Undergraduate courses: Statistics for Psychologists, Design and Analysis of Experiments, Linear Models, Multivariate Analysis Methods, Statistical Methods in Medicine.
- Postgraduate courses: Generalized Linear Models, Analysis of Longitudinal Data, Clinical Trials, Categorical Data Analysis.
Doctoral and Postdoctoral Students
- Evgenia Tzompanaki (jointly with Professor Irini Moustaki, LSE), Thesis title: "Using and Expanding Hybrid Latent Variable Models For Modelling Missing Data and For Discovering Influential Points", 2014.
- Antonia Korre, Thesis title: "Goodness-of-fit Statistics in Correlated Binary Data", 2016.
- Ioanna Athanassopoulou (jointly with Professor Petros Dellaportas, AUEB), Thesis title: "A Modeling Approach to Correlated Binary Outcomes", 2017.
Selective Publications
- Korre, A. and Vasdekis, V.G.S. (2020). Weighted cumulative sum tests for random effect models with binary responses, Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 29(8), 2167-2178.
- Kokkinaki, T.S., Vasdekis, V.G.S. and Devpouche, E. (2020). Maternal and Paternal infant-directed speech to girls and boys: An exploratory study. European Journal of Developmental Psychology, 17(3), 379-414.
- L Guastadisegni, S Cagnone, I Moustaki, V Vasdekis (2021). The asymptotic power of the Lagrange multiplier tests for misspecified IRT models, Quantitative Psychology, 275-284.
- L Guastadisegni, S Cagnone, I Moustaki, V Vasdekis (2022). Use of the Lagrange multiplier test for assessing measurement invariance under model misspecification, Educational and Psychological Measurement 82(2), 254-280.
- T Kokkinaki, M Markodimitraki, VGS Vasdekis (2023). Maternal speech to singleton and first-born dizygotic twin infants: a four-month longitudinal and naturalistic study, European Journal of Developmental Psychology, 1-32.
- T Kokkinaki, M Markodimitraki, VGS Vasdekis (2023). Comparing speech acts and complexity of maternal speech to singleton and firstborn dizygotic twin infants, Early Child Development and Care, 1-19.
- Korre, A. and Vasdekis, V.G.S. (2023). Bias Correction in random effects models with sparse binary responses. Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 32(11), 2226-2239.
- L Guastadisegni, S Cagnone, I Moustaki, V Vasdekis (2024). The generalized Hausman test for detecting non-normality in the latent variable distribution of the two-parameter IRT model, accepted for publication by the British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology.
Selective Conferences
- Vasdekis, V.G.S., Florios, K., Moustaki, I. and Rizopoulos, D. (2017). A weighted composite likelihood estimator through an information criterion. 9th EMR-IBS and Italian Region Conference 2017, Thessaloniki, Greece.
- Vasdekis, V.G.S., Florios, K., Moustaki, I. and Rizopoulos, D. (2018). Model average weighted estimators for latent variable models in a longitudinal data setting. ERCIM2019, Pisa, Italy.
Other Research Activities
- Cooperation with the Greek Institute of Food during the European projects DAFNE I, DAFNE II, FAIR-97-3096 (1997-2001).
- PYTHAGORAS project: Research teams support to Universities (2004).
- ARISTEIA II project: "Composite likelihood inference in dynamic latent variable models for longitudinal multivariate contingency tables" (2014-2015).
Full CV:
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