Korliras Panagiotis

Panagiotis Korliras was born in Athens in 1946. He graduated from the Economics Department of the Athens School of Economics and Business Science, and has a Ph.D. degree in Economics from the University of Rochester. He has taught at the University of Pittsburgh and the Université d’ Aix-Marseille II, and since 1978 he is Professor at the Department of Economics of the Athens University of Economics and Business.
His specialization is in macroeconomics and in monetary theory and policy, while during the past ten years he is also teaching the History of Economic Thought. He has published many scientific articles and books, and he has also served as Deputy Governor of the Bank of Greece, and Chairman and CEO of the Ionian Bank.
* Το Οικονομικό Πανεπιστήμιο Αθηνών δεν φέρει καμία ευθύνη όσον αφορά στην ακρίβεια των στοιχείων του συνοπτικού και του πλήρους βιογραφικού των μελών του προσωπικού, όπως αυτά αναρτώνται στην ιστοσελίδα του. Η ευθύνη ανήκει αποκλειστικά και μόνο στους συντάκτες των βιογραφικών σημειωμάτων.