QS World University Rankings

Ranking criteria are:

  • Academic reputation: Academic reputation is measured using a global survey, in which academics are asked to identify the institutions where they believe the best work is currently taking place within their own field of expertise. (Weight: 40%)

  • Employer reputation: The employer reputation indicator is also based on a global survey, this time asking employers to identify the universities they perceive to be producing the best graduates. This indicator is unique among international university rankings. Its purpose is to give students a better sense of how universities are viewed in the graduate jobs market. A higher weighting is given to votes for universities that come from employers based in other countries, so this indicator is especially useful for prospective students seeking to identify institutions with a reputation that extends beyond their national borders. (Weight: 10%)

  • Student-to-faculty ratio (Weight: 20%)

  • Citations per faculty (Weight: 20%)

  • International student ratio (Weight: 5%)

  • International faculty ratio (Weight: 5%)


For more information about QS World University Rankings, please click here

Last updated: 30 April 2018