- Community volunteering “AUEB Volunteers”: we volunteered in several programs, in cooperation with NGOs around the topic, in cooperation with WWF Greece, mainly targeting at awareness around the importance of recycling.
- Strategy for the Environment & Climate Change
AUEB, recognizing the importance of environmental protection, has been implementing "AUEB Strategy for Environment and Climate Change" since June 2008. The main actions for the implementation of this Strategy include:
- Introduction of Natural Gas for the heating system: The transition of the heating system of the University from oil to natural gas has been completed. In addition to operating costs, it has significant environmental benefits due to its lower greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs), the most important of which is carbon dioxide (CO2).
- Reduction of electricity consumption: The replacement of the old incandescent lamps with new lamps of low energy consumption category "A" in all the buildings has been completed. Pollutant emissions attributed to the use of our University lamps decreased by 68.26 tons of CO2 or by 82%.
- Establishment of Recycling Centers: The implementation of recycling processes is a fundamental component of our environmental policy. At AUEB we have focused on the following recycling categories, in the context of which significant environmental benefits are obtained: a) recycling of toners and ink cartridges, b) recycling of light bulbs, c) recycling of paper, d) recycling of batteries and e) recycling of frying oil. The University collects data on recycling on an annual basis.
- Study for the application of green roofs in buildings: Green roofs are now a successful effort to create coolness and oxygen in big cities. A specialized design company evaluates the alternative scenarios, the possibilities and the static strengths of the buildings, etc.
- Air conditioning fleet maintenance program and replacement of old appliances and ventilation systems control.
- Integration of ecological criteria in the equipment markets: It is a requirement of the University for our suppliers to follow environmentally friendly procedures.
- Encourage the use of textbooks & online course support: Ecological awareness calls for the reduction of paper as a means of communication, where possible, and its replacement by electronic media. The Open eClass platform is already widely used in the AOC by the University Community, and a further systematic effort is being made to expand the use of new technologies for the benefit of students and the environment.
- Ensuring access to the University by people with disabilities: Studies are carried out on issues related to ease of access and traffic safety in the buildings, as well as the possibility of easy exit in case of emergency.
- Drafting of a Code of Environmental Ethics: It has been drafted by the Environmental Policy Committee, which is applied by the entire University Community.
- Event: AUEB organized the "Climate Change Symposium: Threats, Challenges, Solutions for Greece". The "Research Laboratory in Socio-Economic and Environmental Sustainability (ReSEES)" of AUEB in collaboration with other agencies held this event on 3/4/2019. The event aimed at climate change in Greece, where experts from different scientific fields presented holistic solutions capable of combating this global problem and eliminating the negative effects on the environment and society. At the end of the event, participants had the opportunity to engage in games related to climate change in order to understand the effects of climate change, determine their level of awareness and help the process of formulating relevant solutions.
- Media awareness: through AUEB’s newspaper “OPAnews” as well as several press releases we raised awareness on the topic of climate change, through interviews, scientific articles written by our faculty members as well as communicated our seminars and events.