Eduniversal Business Schools Ranking


Eduniversal ranks the top 1000 Universities and Business Schools from 9 geographical areas and 154 countries. Ranking is performed in three steps:

STEP 1 – Official Selection of the Best 1000 Business Schools and Universities

For the ranking of the top 1000 business schools and Universities, the system determines from thousands of different business schools and Universities, which 1000 will be selected for the ranking. The number of schools selected to take part in the ranking, from each of the 154 countries, is determined according to a quota method using both quantitative and qualitative criteria.

The quantitative criteria include:

- The national expenditure on education per inhabitant

- The GDP per inhabitant

- The size of the population

- The number of students in higher education


The qualitative criteria include:

- The number of graduate academic institutions in the country

- The historical importance of the national educational tradition.


The Internationalization criteria consider:

- Accreditations

- Major rankings of business schools

- Membership in international and national academic associations


Division of the schools into the five Palmes of Excellence leagues allows for a horizontal comparison within 9 zones, which is different from the vertical comparison established by most of the international ranking systems. The Eduniversal Ranking System does not compare, for example, schools in one country to another country. It simply ranks the best schools within each country and within each Palme league.


STEP 2 – Eduniversal Rankings: Palmes of Excellence

The Eduniversal system rates institutions according to the international reputation of a school at national and global levels, and by geographical zone. After the 1000 best business schools and Universities in 154 countries have been selected, they are divided within each country into five levels of excellence which Eduniversal titles the Palme of Excellence. There are five leagues of Palmes of Excellence.

The Palme leagues are divided as followed:

100 schools in the 5league - Universal Business Schools with strong global influence

200 schools in the 4league - Top Business Schools with significant international influence

400 schools in the 3league - Excellent Business Schools with reinforcing international influence

200 schools in the 2league - Good Business Schools with strong regional influence

100 schools in the 1 Palm league - Business Schools with considerable local influence

STEP 3 - Eduniversal Ranking: Deans Vote

The Deans Vote is the final element to the ranking system which determines the rank of a school within each Palme league. All schools included in the Official Selection are reviewed by their academic peers (from the 1000 schools selected). Each participating Dean may vote for a maximum of 50% of the schools in each country.

Each Dean or Director (only one vote per institution) assesses the schools in each country. Deans have an opportunity to submit a vote for schools in each of the geographical zones with which they are familiar. These votes are treated with utmost confidentiality.

The ranking of the top 1000 business schools and Universities changes annually according to the results of the Deans Vote. This vote determines the recommendation score and ranking order of schools within each country and in each Palme league.


For more information aboutΕduniversal Business Schools Ranking, click here.

Last updated: 26 April 2018