On 10/03, AUEB welcomed Executive MBA students from Haslam College of Business of the University of Tennessee (USA).

On March 10th AUEB welcomed a group of 30 students from the Executive MBA program of the Haslam College of Business of the University of Tennessee, accompanied by Haslam faculty, at the premises of ACEIn on Troias Street. Haslam students were welcomed to ACEIn by AUEB’s Vice Rector for International Cooperation and Growth Prof. Nancy Pouloudi.   

During the three-hour visit, Haslam students attended lectures on the following topics:

  • Prof. Spyros Blavoukos: "The Economics and Politics of the European Union: what lies ahead?"
  • Prof. Georgios Lekakos: "Unlocking the Future: AI's Role in Changing Work, Life, and Society"
  • Dr. Stratos Baloutsos: " “Presentation of ACEIn startup accelerator and technology transfer”

Haslam students showed great interest in the topics discussed, asking numerous questions to the speakers during the presentations.

On the side of the visit AUEB and Haslam discussed issues of broader cooperation between the two institutions, with both parties committing to continue the discussion upon the return of the American delegation to the US.


Last updated: 12 March 2025