International Relations Office
The International Relations Office of the University was established in 1989. The main objectives of the Office are:
- European Union educational programs,
- participation in international student fora and exhibitions,
- representation at international conferences and congresses,
- organization of seminars, educational visits and cultural meetings,
- promotion of the University activities abroad,
- creation of new cooperation with foreign higher education institutions,
- counselling to incoming and outgoing students.
The University is member of the European Universities Association (EUA), of the Community of Mediterranean Universities (CUM), of the European Association for International Education (EAIE), of the Association of South-Eastern European Economic Universities (ASECU), of the European Doctoral Programme Association in Management and Business Administration (EDPAMBA), of the European Consortium for Mathematics in Industry, of the European Universities of Public Relations and Information Officers (EUPRIO), e.t.c.
International Student Fair, Geneva
AUEB participates in the Socrates/Erasmus Programme. All the departments of the University apply ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) rules for academic recognition matters.
For the current academic year approximately 350 outgoing and incoming students participate in the Socrates/Erasmus programme.
In the context of TEMPUS Programme (PHARE and TACIS) our University is involved in several projects. It cooperates with many institutions from various countries such as Russia, Moldava etc. Under this programme, members of our academic staff visit the participating institutions in order to give lectures mainly on topics of the scientific areas of Economics, International and European Economic Studies, Business Administration, Management, Marketing and Communication, Accounting and Finance, Informatics, Statistics, Management and Technology. Besides, they are of assistance to their colleagues contributing to the establishment of business schools, international management centres and MBA courses in their institutions. On the other hand, professors from the above universities visit our University and cooperate with their fellow professors in scientific fields about curriculum development and joint research projects. Furthermore, the Athens University of Economics and Business participates in the JEAN MONNET Programme, which has financed the establishment of a European Chair in Economics, another one in Law, a European Permanent Course in Political Science, etc.
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