Charalampos (Babis) Saridakis is Associate Professor of Marketing & Consumer Behaviour at the Athens University of Economics & Business, Department of Marketing & Communication. He also serves as Associate Editor in the Journal of Business Research (ABS: 3-rated, Impact Factor: 11.3), specifically in the area of Corporate Social Responsibility and Business Ethics.
For 12 years he worked as Assistant Professor and Associate Professor at the University of Leeds, Leeds University Business School, UK. During that period he also served as Departmental Director of Research for Marketing (2019-2022) and Director for the "MA Advertising & Marketing" programme (2017-2019) of Leeds University Business School. In the past, he also worked as Research Fellow in the ALARM Research Centre and the Department of Marketing and Communication at the Athens University of Economics and Business, from where he also obtained his PhD in Marketing. Dr Saridakis also holds an MSc in Advanced Marketing Management (with distinction) from the University of Lancaster, UK, and a BSc in Marketing and Communication from the Athens University of Economics and Business.
His research interests lie in the areas of consumer behaviour, empirical determination of consumer heterogeneous and dynamic preferences, discrete choice analysis, CSR, marketing analytics, and advanced quantitative research methods. He also works in the broad areas of brand and product line management and is particularly interested in retail, service, and transportation research.
His work has been published in reputed academic journals such as the Journal of Service Research, Industrial Marketing Management, Journal of International Marketing, Journal of Business Ethics, Marketing Letters, European Journal of Marketing, Psychology & Marketing, Journal of Advertising, Journal of Business Research, European Journal of Operational Research, Journal of the Operational Research Society, Annals of Operations Research, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, and Transportation Research, among others. His papers have also been presented in international conferences, such as the American Marketing Association, Academy of Marketing Science, European Marketing Academy Conference, Academy of Management, and International European Institute for Retailing and Services Studies Conference, among others.
Dr Saridakis is an active member of the American, European, British, and Greek Marketing Academies, and has also served as the elected National Representative (U.K.) on the European Marketing Academy (EMAC) Executive Committee.
He is a multiple recipient of the “Dean’s Award for Teaching Excellence” (2014, 2017, 2019) for his teaching at the Undergraduate and Postgraduate levels.
* Το Οικονομικό Πανεπιστήμιο Αθηνών δεν φέρει καμία ευθύνη όσον αφορά στην ακρίβεια των στοιχείων του συνοπτικού και του πλήρους βιογραφικού των μελών του προσωπικού, όπως αυτά αναρτώνται στην ιστοσελίδα του. Η ευθύνη ανήκει αποκλειστικά και μόνο στους συντάκτες των βιογραφικών σημειωμάτων.