Master's Programs
AUEB was the first Greek University to offer Master's programs, already in 1978. Today, the University offers 30 Master's programs in a wide range of disciplines. They include full-time programmes, part-time programmes, and joint programmes with other Universities. Students are admitted after satisfying admission criteria such as strong academic performance at the undergraduate level, work experience (mainly for the MBA as well as the part-time programmes), mastery of English and potentially good performance in standardized tests amongst others.
Many of AUEB's Master's programs are taught entirely in English, attracting students from both Greece and abroad.
The list of programs currently on offer are displayed below.
- 1. MSc in International Negotiations
The program delves into the subject matter of negotiations and enables students to develop further skills in the areas of the international economy and politics. In combination with cultivating the required skills, students are thoroughly prepared to be read to accomplish agreements at an international level and to adapt to a demanding intercultural environment. The program covers the following areas: a) Negotiations in the International Environment, b) International Economic Relations, and c) International Organizations. It is targeted towards recent graduates, as well as executives from the private and public sector.
Program: Full time - Part time
Tel: (+30) 210 8203 642, -697
- 2. MSc in Law and Economics in Energy Markets
The program aims to educate skilled scientists, capable of sufficiently covering the needs of businesses and organizations in Greece, Europe and internationally, to solve complex legal and financial issues in the area of Energy Markets. The program’s main characteristic is the combination of interdisciplinary study – primarily focusing on Law and Economics – and hands-on experience. The program covers the following areas: a) European and International Energy Economics, and b) European and International Energy Law. It is targeted towards recent graduates, as well as executives from the private and public sector.
Program: Full time - Part time
Tel: (+30) 210 8203 642, -697
lawecon - 3. MSc in Ιnternational and European Economic Studies
The program aims to educate its students in contemporary financial, political, and legal matters facing national economies and businesses in the international and European setting. The program’s main characteristic is the combination of interdisciplinary training and hands-on experience to analyze the business, financial and institutional realities. The program covers the following areas: a) International Economics for Businesses, b) European Law and Economics. It is targeted towards recent graduates, as well as executives from the private and public sector.
Program: Full time - Part time
Tel: (+30) 210 8203 642, -697
- 4. MSc in Finance and Banking
The program allows specialization through the selection of courses in key areas of finance, such as the Financial Analysis and Planning, Financial Derivatives, Banking and Risk Management, Information Systems in Finance, etc. Moreover, as the current demand, enables the training of trainees on issues related to organizations and companies such as Financial Services Directorate of Public Enterprises, the specific parts of Banks and Insurance Companies.
In cooperation with: Department of Economics
Program: Full time
Tel: (+30) 210 8203 689, -625
- 5. MSc in Applied Economics and Finance
The program aims to educate economists in Applied Economics and Finance. It covers the following areas: Financial Analysis for business decisions, Applied Microeconomics, Industrial Organization, Competition and Regulation Policy, Games and Strategic Decisions, Applied Econometrics and Data Analysis, Financial Analysis and Portfolio Investment, Debt Risk Assessment, Derivatives, Financial Market Effectiveness and Regulation, Financial Econometrics, Real Estate Finance, Environmental Economics and Law, Banking Strategy, Labour Economics, Financial History, International Economy and Markets, Antimonopoly Economics. The program is targeted towards recent graduates from economics and natural sciences, as well as to executives from the private and public sector.
Program: Full time
Full time program
Tel: (+30) 210 8203 617
Email: - 6. MSc in Business Economics with Analytics
The program aims to educate economists in matters of business and market economics and strategy, based on the most contemporary econometrics and analytical methods. The areas covered by the program are: Financial Analysis for Business Decisions, Business Economics, Industrial Organization, Competition and Regulation Policy, Games and Strategic Decisions, Behavioural Economics, Empirical Industrial Organization, Applied Econometrics and Data Analysis, International Economics and Finance, Financial Analysis and Portfolio investment, Debt Risk Assessment, Market Effectiveness and Regulation, Financial Forecasting and Simulations, Quantitative Macroeconomics, Financial Management, Credit Risk and Banking, Innovation Economics, Digital Economy, Corporate Governance and Energy and Environmental Economics.
Program: Full time
Tel: (+30) 210 8203 649, -644
- 7. MSc in Economics
The program is a continuation of the first Master’s in Economics program to operate in Greece (1978). It aims to educate economists in Economic Theory and Policy. The areas covered by the program are: Macroeconomic and Microeconomic Theory, Theoretical and Applied Econometrics, Finance, Industrial Organization, Public Finance, Fiscal and Banking Policy, Competition and Regulation Policy, Game Theory, International Economics, Environmental and Energy Economics, Debt Valuation, Applied Microeconomics, Mathematical Economics, Labour Economics, Economic Development, Economic Theory, Social Policy. The program is targeted toward Economics and Natural Sciences graduates.
In cooperation with: Department of European and International Economic Studies, AUEB
Program: Full time
Tel: (+30) 210 8203 617
- 8. MSc in Business Analytics
The program aims to prepare executives who will be able to combine optimally knowledge gained to provide appropriate and practical solutions to the complex problems facing the public and private sector. The thematic areas covered by the program broadly are: a) Business Environment and Processes (Information Systems & Business Process Management, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Business and Privacy Issues in Data Analysis); b) Statistics (Statistics for Business Analytics I, Statistics for Business Analytics II, Advanced Topics in Statistics); c) Data Management (Data Management & Business Intelligence, Big Data Systems, Advanced Topics in Data Engineering); d) Optimization and Knowledge Discovery (Large-scale Optimization, Mining Big Datasets, Social Network Analysis). The program is targeted towards graduates of Economics, Business, Informatics, Natural Sciences and Engineering or other relevant University Departments.
Program: Full time - Part time
Language: offered in English
Tel: (+30) 210 8203 676
- 9. MSc in Management Science and Technology
The program aims to prepare executives, analysts, and researchers to combine optimally knowledge in management, information technologies and organizational studies, to lead organizations and businesses. The areas covered by the program are a) Quantitative Methods and Operational Research, b) Management of Information Systems and E-Business, c) Organizational Studies and Business Strategy, and d) Supply Chain and Transportation Management. The program is targeted towards recent graduates as well as public and private sector executives.
Program: Full time - Part time
Tel: (+30) 210 8203 685
- 10. Professional MSc in Digital Transformation
The Professional MSc in "Digital Transformation" is a collaboration between the Department of Management Science and Technology of the Athens University of Economics and Business, and the Eurobank Group, which represents the funding organization. The Professional MSc focuses on providing specialized studies in key areas of Digital Transformation emphasizing on the following fields: (a) Computational Quantitative Methods and Business Analytics, (b) Analysis, Design, and Implementation of Information Systems and Applications, (c) Digital Transformation Project Management, and (d) E-Business and Digital Innovation. The program is offered for full-time students (2 semesters of coursework and a thesis/internship). It is designed for graduates of Greek or foreign universities in the disciplines of science, engineering, management science, economics, and computer science.
Program: Full time
Tel: (+30) 210 8203 685
- 11. MSc in Public Policy and Management
The program aims to enable students to acquire the theoretical knowledge and expertise required to be able to offer appropriate and practical solutions to the complex problems facing the public and private sector, to plan policies that promote effectiveness and the public interest, and to lead through successfully implementing such policies. The areas covered by the program are a) Public Economic Policy, and b) Public Administration. The program is targeted towards graduates currently involved in, or planning to work on, the broader public sector and in non-governmental organizations, as well as executives from other sectors of the economy.
In cooperation with: Department of International and European Economic Studies and Department of Economics, AUEB
Program: Full time - Part time
Tel: (+30) 210 8203 861
- 12. Master in Business Administration - MBA International
The program aims to develop executives with the knowledge, skills and confidence needed to analyze challenges and opportunities that lie ahead, and to formulate and implement innovative and effective strategies in times characterized by important technological, societal and environmental shifts. The MBA International cultivates entrepreneurial capabilities and an international perspective, and strengthens the interpersonal and leadership skills of its students. The areas covered by the program are a) Management Science, b) Business Administration, c) Accounting and Financial Management, d) Marketing and Communication, e) Human Resource Management, f) Economics, g) Management of Information Systems. The program is targeted towards graduates and private and public sector executives with at least three years of work experience. Since 2005 the program has been accredited by the International Association of MBAs (AMBA) and attracts students and faculty from more than 20 countries.
In cooperation with: Department of Business Administration and Department of Acounting and Finance and Department of Marketing and Communication, AUEB
Program: Full time - Part time
Language: offered in English
Tel: (+30) 210 8203 659, -662
- 13. MSc in Services Management
The program aims to cultivate contemporary and specialized skills and knowledge required for effectively managing services. The specializations offered by the program are a) Customer Experience Management and b) Management Consulting. The program has also institutionalized a yearly educational trip abroad that allows students to attend classes specially designed for them from Universities such as, for example, SDA Bocconi. The program is targeted towards recent graduates as well as executives.
Program: Full time - Part time
Full time program
Tel: (+30) 210 8203 874
Email: msm@aueb.grPart time program
Tel: (+30) 210 8203 872
Email:, - 14. Executive Master in Business Administration – Executive MBA
The program aims to deepen knowledge in business administration, and to further develop professional, administrative and leadership skills for participants to manage businesses and organizations more effectively. The areas covered by the program are a) Strategic Management, b) Leadership, c) Business Administration, d) Financial Management, e) Accounting, f) Human Resource Management and g) Management of Information Systems. The program is targeted towards executives from the public and private sector with at least three years of prior work experience.
The program is the oldest Executive MBA in Greece, and since 2015 has been certified by the International Association of MBAs (AMBA).
In cooperation with: Department of Management Science and Technology, Department of Marketing and Communication
Program: Full time - Part time
Tel: (+30) 210 8203 638, 210 8828 474
- 15. MBA (Master in Business Administration)
The program aims to impart contemporary and specialized knowledge in management subject areas, thus preparing students to not only successfully deal with modern managerial challenges but to lead Greek and international organizations. The areas covered by the program are a) Business Administration, b) Financial Management, c) Accounting, d) Marketing Management, e) Energy Management. The program is targeted towards recent graduates as well as executives.
In cooperation with: Department of Marketing and Communication
Program: Full time - Part time
Full time program
Tel: (+30) 210 8203 615, -618
Email: mbafull@aueb.grPart time program
Tel: (+30) 210 8203 616
Email: - 16. Athens MBA
The program aims to deepen knowledge in business administration, so that students can successfully lead businesses and organizations. There are two specialization streams in the program, in a) Management and b) Project and Programme Management. The program is targeted towards graduates from the Natural Sciences and Economics, who have at least three years professional experience.
The program is a joint venture between the National Technical University of Athens and the Athens University of Economics and Business.
In cooperation with: Department of Accounting and Finance, AUEB
Program: Full time - Part time
Tel: (+30) 210 8203 690
- 17. MSc in Accounting and Finance
The program aims to provide specialized knowledge in basic areas of Accounting and Finance. Such knowledge is considered a required asset to succeed in today’s competitive business environment. The program offers two streams of specialization: a) Accounting and Auditing, b) Finance, Investments and Risk Management, c) Accounting and Finance. It is targeted towards recent graduates and executives.
Program: Full time - Part time
Language: Greek or English
Tel: (+30) 210 8203 633, -630
- 18. MSc in Financial Management
The program aims to provide specialized studies in the basic areas of Financial Management. Financial management examines the methods and practices that lead to an optimum distribution of financial resources of modern businesses and organizations and comprises one of the foundations of national economic development. The internationalization of financial practices, together with the constant interaction between different countries and organizations, mandates that the language of instruction of the program is English. This program is targeted towards recent graduates and executives of any specialization.
Program: Full time - Part time
Language: offered in English
Tel: (+30) 210 8203 856, -630
- 19. MSc in International Shipping, Finance and Management
The program aims to deepen scientific knowledge and training in Shipping, Finance and Management. Specifically the full-time program will train recent graduates who plan to work in the field, while the part-time program trains executives wishing to brush up on their knowledge of the area, which will in turn allow them to rise further in job market. The areas covered by the program are a) International Shipping, b) Finance, and c) Management. It is targeted mainly, but not exclusively, to graduates of Economics, Management, Finance and Natural Sciences graduates and business executives.
In cooperation with: Department of International and European Economic Studies and Department of Management Science and Technology
Program: Full time - Part time
Language: offered in English
Tel: (+30) 210 8203 696
- 20. MSc in Marketing and Communication
The MSc in Marketing & Communication aims to educate specialized scientists and executives in the fields of Marketing & Communication. It is the first and only Master program to operate in a Greek University since 1998, enjoying broad recognition in both Greece and abroad. It has 3 options: (a) full time Greek program, (b) full time English program and (c) part time Greek program for those who wish to combine studies with work.
Tel: (+30) 210 8203 665, -631
- 21. MSc in Marketing Analytics
The program aims to advance knowledge and development of research in the field of marketing analytics. This includes quantitative analyses, examples, research and it supports the marketing related decision making through the analysis of data gathered by consumer behavior. The programme focuses on Marketing Science and Marketing Analytics.
Full time program
Language: Greek and/or englishPhone number: 210 8203665
Email: - 22. MSc in Human Resource Management
The program aims to train competent executives who will be able to successfully engage with the modern challenges that face individuals in businesses and organizations. The full-time program trains recent graduates through specialized courses and an internship to render them capable of facing the challenges that concern effective HR Management. The part-time program enables executives already working, or experienced professionals wishing to enter the field, to enrich their knowledge and more effectively deal with issues of human resource development in the respective organizations where they work.
In cooperation with: Department of Management Science and Technology, AUEB
Program: Full time - Part time
Tel: (+30) 210 8203 876, -878
- 23. MSc in Computer Science
The program aims to deepen scientific knowledge in various areas of Computer Science, and to develop skills that will allow students to continue further with either PhD studies or seek employment in highly specialized demanding positions in the industry. The areas covered by the program are a) Artificial Intelligence, b) Computer Systems, c) Networks and Telecommunications, and d) Theoretical Computer Science.
Program: Full time
Tel: (+30) 210 8203 646
- 24. MSc in Information Systems Development & Security
The program aims to train specialized scientists, equipped with both theoretical and practical knowledge and skills, capable of efficiently covering the always increasing needs of businesses and organizations in designing, realizing, and managing Information Systems. The program is targeted towards graduates from the Natural Sciences, Economics and Engineering, Military and Police Academies as well as business executives.
Program: Full time -Part time
Full time program
Tel: (+30) 210 8203 643
Email: postgrad@aueb.grPart time program
Tel: (+30) 210 8203 645
Email: - 25. MSc in Digital Methods for the Humanities
The program aims to promote knowledge, develop an interdisciplinary approach, support research, and prepare students to participate in the area called “Digital Humanities”. Graduates will undertake future roles in research, production, documentation, Organization and management of informational resources and project management with a significant portion of digital means and techniques in the areas of the humanities and cultural heritage. The program is targeted mainly to graduates from the Humanities, the Social and Legal Scientists as well as Informatics graduates.
Program: Full time - Part time
Tel: (+30) 210 8203 646
- 26. MSc in Data Science
The program aims to offer specialized knowledge on a cutting-edge area, so that graduates will be well prepared to innovate entrepreneurially or undertake positions of responsibility in organizations of the public or private sector. The program is based on the interdisciplinary area of Data Science and focuses on using computational and statistical methods to study varied types of data, to answer scientific or business questions, develop explanatory or forecasting models and carry out analyses. Students undertake pioneering work on data science in collaboration with businesses during their dissertation. The program is targeted towards graduates from the Natural Sciences, Economics and Engineering and executives from businesses and organizations.
In cooperation with: Department of Statistics, AUEB
Program: Full time - Part time
Language: offered in English
Tel: (+30) 210 8203 860
- 27. MSc in Business Mathematics
The program aims to train students in applying mathematics and quantitative techniques in matters of interest to the economy and production, so that they can efficiently apply expertise in the context of a modern productive or managerial unit. At the same time the program aspires to familiarize students with less quantitative aspects that are important in everyday life, such as Accounting and Market Institutions. The areas covered by the program are a) Mathematics and b) Quantitative Methods, as they apply to finance, insurance, and production. The program is targeted towards graduates of the Natural Sciences, Economics and Engineering, as well as executives from businesses and organizations.
In cooperation with: National and Kapodistrian University of Athens – Departments: Mathematics, Economics
Program: Full time - Part time
Tel: (+30) 2108203 643
- 28. MSc in Statistics
The program aims to provide specialized knowledge in main areas of Statistics and Probability, to enable graduates to scientifically resolve quantitative problems that arise in the public and private sector. The areas covered by the program are a) Probability Theory, b) Statistical Inference, c) Applied Statistics, d) Computational Statistics and e) Theory and Applications of Stochastic Processes. The program is targeted towards recent graduates as well as executives from businesses and organizations.
Program: Full time - Part time
Language: offered in English
Tel: (+30) 210 8203 681, -692
- 29. MSc in Applied Statistics and Data Analytics
The program aims to train skilled scientists, and to train business executives from the public and private sector, to cover specialized needs in data analysis. The areas covered by the program are a) Data Analysis, b) Biostatistics, c) Big Data Computational Statistics (either multivariable or large size samples), and d) Applied Probability. The program is targeted towards recent graduates as well as executives from businesses and organizations.
Program: Part time
Tel: (+30) 210 8203 681, -692
- 30. MSc in Quantitative Actuarial and Financial Risk Management
The program aims to train students in the statistical and data analysis of financial and actuarial data, and to develop modern techniques regarding forecasting business risk in financial and actuarial products. The areas covered by the program are a) Stochastic and Statistical Modeling of Financial, Insurance and Actuarial Risk, b) Risk Management Techniques and C) Financial and Insurance Portfolio Selection Techniques. The program is targeted towards recent graduates and executives from businesses and organizations.
In cooperation with: Department of Accounting and Financ, AUEB
Program: Part time
Tel: (+30) 210 8203 681, 210 8203 692