LSEG Workspace

Name: LSEG Workspace (ex EIKON/Datastream)

LSEG Workspace (ex EIKON/Datastream) gives you access to the broadest and deepest coverage of financial data, news, analytics and productivity tools. With its integrated developer environment, you can also use and analyze data flexibly with modern APIs and popular languages like Python. Workspace contains public and private company information for both U.S. and international firms, investment reports, breaking news and economic statistics. It covers a broad range of financial market trends, and includes deals data, private equity/venture capital coverage, and environmental performance information (ESG). After Market Research reports are from well-known investment analyst firms.

Subjects: Businesses, Markets, Stock Exchanges, Financial analyses
Online Resource Type: Online research database
Provider: LSEG
Availability: AUEB Library
Language: English
Access Type: Subscription
Access: Remote access or on-site access in the Library, Journals Department
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