Teaching Method

Course Attendance

Course attendance is obligatory, and students have to be physically present at all lectures, tutorials, labs, etc. Students are also required to arrive timely, so as not to disturb the class. If a student is obliged for personal reasons to miss courses for a period exceeding three (3) consecutive days, he/she should inform the Program Director and discuss the issue with his/her faculty. Absence is accepted for up to 20% or 30% of the total teaching hours of the Programme. If a student is absent for more than 50% of the teaching time in one particular module, he/she cannot take the examinations of the current academic year.

If, for serious reasons that should be explained in writing, a student cannot be present at the scheduled exams, he/she may be examined at the September re-examination period.

Course Instruction

Course  requirements  include  individual  and  team-based  exercises,  assignments and case studies, class participation, business games and written final exam. The final mark typically results from the written exam and from the several assignments and presentations delivered in class.

The requirements for each course are set by the teaching Professor at the beginning of the course, together with the way in which student performance will be assessed against these requirements.