International distinction of the Athens University of Economics and Business in the field of "Finance and Business Administration"

International distinction of the Athens University of Economics and Business in the field of "Finance and Business Administration".

The international evaluation body "US News" ranked the Athens University of Economics and Business (AEUB) in 302nd place, distinguishing it as the only Greek University among the top worldwide, in the scientific field of "Economics and Business Management" for 2024- 25.

AUEB, according to the international evaluation body "US News", has a particularly high performance in the criterion "percentage of publications from international collaborations compared to the corresponding percentage in the whole country", where it ranked 25th worldwide. In addition, AUEB also has a high performance in the criterion "research reputation of Universities by geographical region (Europe)", where it ranked 47th worldwide.

US News gathered data from the "Web of Science" bibliographic base during the five years 2018-22, while the ranking evaluation criteria were: a) the University's research reputation in the scientific fields it treats, b) the number of publications , c) the number and impact of references (citations), d) the number and percentage of publications that are in the top 1% and top 10% with the most references, as well as e) the percentage of publications from international collaborations.

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